Friday, March 29, 2013

Madagascar Cupcakes

Let's say simply FUN!!!!  Madagascar is one of my favorites so when I was asked to bake these I had no problem, besides trying not to go over board.  Okay maybe I haven't mastered not going over board, but it was so much fun.  Seeing my dear friends face when she picked them up was worth it all!  It was so funny when she arrived to get them.  I wasn't thinking because when it was time for me to pack them that's when it all got tricky, lol.

Her son love's the penguin's so I had to make sure to highlight them  and make them pretty big cupcakes! Maybe I didn't have to but it was worth the effort.

After my children saw them I knew they were more than kid approved!! I made vanilla and chocolate cupcakes, with chocolate butter cream icing.  I coated them with brown sugar to give the dirt affect and them I had some cream cheese icing so I let that be the grass.  All of the toppers are edible, they are all's that for a party favor!  I am sure all the children will love it!

As a result, I ended up putting them in a cake box to savage them from not being destroyed  after all that work.